It's all about the details
It's all about the details

Wallpapers from Studio Ditte

Studio Ditte has an extraordinary wallpaper collection. From sturdy scrap wood wallpaper to wallpaper with lovely birdhouses. Besides wallpaper, Studio Ditte also has beautiful interior accessories. Wallpapers and much more.

Studio Ditte is a design agency specialized in concept development and product design. They can help you develop your product from vision to factory and from idea to user. I had a look at some of their work and love it.

“Studio Ditte wants to add something to the user’s perception of the environment by giving everyday life an extra touch. A hidden story, an element from another culture or a twist that makes you think about things. We do not believe in heavy philosophy or in design movements. However, we do believe in people and their emotions, desires and dreams”.

Info/pictures: Studio Ditte